Biology Revelation of how a spider toxin binds to a membrane protein could lead to new drug therapi
Research at Keio University’s many schools and centers cover a broad range of fields in the physical, natural and social sciences.
The research highlights are a selection of informative and accessible articles that engage the wider public with some of the groundbreaking research at the university.
Biology Mechanical vibrations offer a gentler way to detach cells from culture dishes Published onl
Medicine Drug cuts the supply lines to brain tumors but doesn't eliminate cancer stem cells, which
Medicine Cancer cells adapt to genomic abnormalities by producing a protein that confers drug resis
Biology 'Stuck' brain cells in extremely premature babies lead to impairment in later life Publishe
economics Economic researchers dismiss growing concerns about the negative impact of globalization
Biology Dynamic interactions between proteins and lipids at cell membranes result in complex change
PsychologyBiology Japanese infants determine where words start and finish by employing a neural cir
Pharmaceutical sciences Heavy coffee-drinking mice produce fewer fat cells, bringing broad health b
Engineering Nanoscale thermometer takes precise heat readings of tiny spots, billionths of a meter