PhysicsPlanetary scienceAtmospheric science Waves of air create cold regions around the poles of ou
MedicineBiologyPharmaceutical sciences Discovery of a protein fragment gives rise to a new strategy
MedicineBiology Adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall activates an immune response
Information and computer science A person's whereabouts could soon be tracked without the aid of a
Engineering Unstabilizing vibrations in remotely controlled systems can be reduced using an elastic
EngineeringChemistry Water crystals can purify natural gas by selectively trapping carbon dioxide m
Lightweight smartphone sensors and Newton's laws of motion can help athletes maximize their perform
Pharmaceutical sciences Personalized treatments are an affordable option for improving the lives of
Medicine A small RNA molecule can convert fibroblast cells directly into beating heart muscle cells
Medicine Keeping inflammation at bay can help people live past 100 Published online 26 November 201